
[News] Congratulations to Alex Connor for being one of the five winners of the SIGMOD 2008 undergraduate poster competition

Alex Connor, an undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and a member of the ADMT Lab, is one of the five winners of the ACM SIGMOD 2008 Undergraduate Poster Competition, and the only one from North America. His poster entry was entitled Fast Nearest Neighbor Queries in Real-Time Weighted Graphs. Congratulations Alex!

[News] Congratulations to Qinglan Li for being awarded an Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship

Qinglan Li, a graduate student in the ADMT Lab, has been awarded an Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship for the 2008-2009 academic year. Only two students received a fellowship from the Department of Computer Science this year. Congratulations Qinglan!

[News] Congratulations to Shenoda Guirguis for winning the graduate poster competition during CS Day!

Shenoda Guirguis, a graduate student in the ADMT Lab, is the winner of the Graduate Poster Competition during Computer Science Day 2008. His poster, entitled "Who will get the pizza first" explained the work behind our SMDB 2008 paper, entitled ASETS: A Self-Managing Transaction Scheduler. Congratulations Shenoda!

[News] ADMT Lab to participate in Large Synoptic Survey Telescope effort

The ADMT Lab, through Prof. Chrysanthis and Prof. Labrinidis, will be participating in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope effort. Read more about it in the University of Pittsburgh press release (01/08/08) or in the University Times article (01/10/08).

[News] Prof. Panos Chrysanthis becomes ACM Senior Member

New recognition for Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis: Panos is among the new 98 ACM Senior Members of 2007. In 2006, he was elected IEEE Senior member. Congratulations Panos!

[News] ACIE Award Winner, Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis in the UPitt Teaching Times

ADMT Lab's Co-Director Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis describes his Innovation in Education Award project named: "Virtual WebDB Laboratory" in the September 2007 issue of the Teaching Times (University of Pittsburgh). The awards program was established in 1999-2000 to support leading-edge approaches to teaching.

[News] Prof. George Samaras joins our group as a visiting professor from UCy

Prof. George Samaras joined our group in the end of last month. He is a Professor at the University of Cyprus, Department of Computer Science and he is currently spending his sabbatical with us. More details about him can be found on his personal webpage.

[News] Lory Al Moakar receives 2007 Taulbee Award

In 1966, Orrin Taulbee founded Pitt’s Department of Computer Science and served as its chair until 1984—an amazingly long time to hold that position. In October 1989, the four sons of Dr. Taulbee initiated this award in memory and honor of their parents.

[News] ADMT site syndication available now!

As of today our website includes an RSS feed. This feed includes all of our group's news. You can easily subscribe to the feed by clicking on the "RSS" tabbed link on the top of the page or the link to the left sidebar or just by clicking here. If you have Firefox then you will have the feed registered on your favorite news aggregator.