
[News] Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis is elected Secretary/Treasurer of ACM SIGMOD

Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis is elected Secretary/Treasurer of ACM SIGMOD, to serve a four-year term (July 2009 - June 2013). Congratulations, Alex!

[News] Congratulations to Qinglan Li for winning the poster competition during GradExpo 2009!

Qinglan Li, a graduate student in the ADMT Lab, is the winner of the Poster Competition during GradExpo 2009. Her poster, entitled "User-Centric Annotation Management for Biological Data" was voted as best poster by a panel of judges from various other departments. Congratulations Qinglan!

[GradExpo] ADMT Lab is presenting four posters at today's GradExpo

Come and visit us at the poster session of today's GradExpo, taking place at the William Pitt Union. Out group is participating this year with four posters.

[News] Prof. Panos Chrysanthis has become Adjunct Professor at the University of Cyprus

Prof. Panos Chrysanthis has become the first Adjunct Professor appointed at the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus (Jan 2009 - Jan 2010)

[News] Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis is on sabbatical in Greece

After getting tenure at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh, Alexandros went on a one term sabbatical in Greece.

[News] Brian Wongchaowart gets honorable mention at 2009 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Awards

Brian Wongchaowart, an undergraduate student in the CS Department at the University of Pittsburgh and a member of the ADMT Lab has received an Honorable Mention at the 2009 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award Competition. Brian is doing research in the ADMT Lab under the supervision of Dr. Alexandros Labrinidis. Brian is the seventh student from Pitt's CS Department to be recognized by CRA since the inception of this award program in 1995. Congratulations Brian!

[News] Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis gets NSF CAREER award

Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis gets NSF CAREER award (on User-Centric Data Management).

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.

[News] Dr. Mohamed Sharaf has received a 2-year fellowship

Our alumnus, Dr. Mohamed Sharaf has received a 2-year fellowship from the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Canada. He has received one of the 3 fellowships given in engineering!

[News] Congratulations to Alex Connor for winning the best undergraduate poster award at SIGMOD 2008

Alex Connor, a staff member of the ADMT Lab, won the best poster award at the ACM SIGMOD 2008 Undergraduate Poster Competition. His poster entry was entitled Nearest Neighbor Queries over Graph Data Congratulations Alex!

[News] Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis promoted to Associate Professor

Alex Labrinidis, co-director of the ADMT Lab, has been promoted to Associate Professor and has been given tenure to the Department of Computer Science at UPitt.

Congratulations Alex!! We all wish you more recognitions and successes in the years ahead.