
[News] We Participate in #ShutDownStem and #ShutDownAcademia

We join the strike #ShutDownStem and #ShutDownAcademia and cancel all our meetings today (June 10, 2020).

We devote our weekly group meeting for reflection, education, and action to bring awareness of the importance of #blacklivesmatter and the persisting problem of systemic racists in our academic community. Equality for all!

[News] Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis was a Colloquium Speaker at William and Mary College.

Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis talked about ADMT Lab research and our new School of Computing and Information at William and Mary College on Feb 28, 2020,

Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis presented the current research of our lab, talked about the dilemma of adaptive stream processing: to divide, to drop or to distribute, and introduced SCI, its vision and mission.

[News] Congratulations to Nikos Katsipoulakis for another paper from his PhD thesis at ICDE 2020!

Nikos Katsipoulakis, Alexandros Labirnidis and Panos K. Chrysanthis. SPEAr: Expediting Stream Processing with Accuracy Guarantees, IEEE ICDE 2020, Dallas, TX.


[News] Congratulations to Xiaoyu Ge for his EDBT 2020 paper!

Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, PrefDiv: Efficient Algorithms for Effective Top-k Result Diversification, 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT '20), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020.


[News] Congratulations to Xiaozhong Zhang for his second BigVis paper!

Xiaozhong Zhang, Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, A GUI Design for Composition Discovery of View Interestingness, 3rd International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics (BigVis '20), 1-6, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2020, Co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020.


[News] Congratulations to Prof. Labrinidis for becoming the Chair of the CS Department!

Congratulations to Prof. Labrinidis for becoming the Chair of the CS Department!

[News] ADMT local PhD alumni reunion on Dec 6, 2019.

ADMT local PhD alumni reunion on Dec 6, 2019 as part of Thao Pham’s visit to Pgh.

[News] Congratulations to Evan & Evan for successfully completing their capstone on CAPRIO!

Evan F and Evan M. worked on two CAPRIO v2 extending the current CAPRIO.
The graduation celebration was a lunch at Spice Island.


[News] Congratulations to Xiaozhong Zhang for his second paper as first author in CIC 2019!

Xiaozhong Zhang, Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Leveraging Data-Analysis Session Logs for Efficient, Personalized, Interactive View Recommendation, The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC '19), 1-10, December 2019.


[News] The third year in a row our group presented a paper at IGSC 2019.

Daniel Petrov, Rakan Alseghayer, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Daniel Mosse, Smart Room-by-Room HVAC Scheduling for Residential Savings and Comfort, The 10th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC '19), October 2019.