
[News] Congratulations to Lory and to Thao!

Congratulations to Lory AI Moakar who won the Taulbee Award today. With the Taulbee Award, the Department of Computer Science recognizes graduate student excellence and promise as a teacher and researcher based on overall QPA, teaching ability and research work.

Also congratulating Thao Pham, who was recognized today for being awarded an Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowships (one of the three that were awarded to our Department).

[News] Shenoda Guirguis successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, Congratulations!

Student member of the group, Shenoda Guirguis, successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation yesterday, Tuesday, August 23rd 2011. The topic of his dissertation was "Scalable Processing of Multiple Aggregate Continuous Queries". More details can be found in the event's post here.

[News] Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis recognized as a 2010 ACM Distinguished Scientist for longtime, innovative computing research

In recognition of his contributions to the fields of computing and information technology, University of Pittsburgh professor of computer science Panos K. Chrysanthis was selected as a 2010 Distinguished Scientist of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. Chrysanthis is the first Pitt Scientist to receive this distinction.

The Distinguished Members program recognizes ACM members with at least 15 years of professional experience who have helped advance the practical and theoretical aspects of computing. The 2010 honorees comprised 47 computer scientists and engineers from corporations and academic institutions worldwide, including Carnegie Mellon University, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, Purdue University, the University of California and the University of Virginia.

Congratulations Panos!

[News] NSF Awards CDI Grant to Professors Labrinidis, Chrysanthis and Marai

The National Science Foundation has recently awarded a grant to a group of six faculty at Pitt to support the AstroShelf project. They are Professors Jeffrey Newman and Michael Wood-Vasey from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Professor G. Elisabeta Marai from the Interdisciplinary Visualization Research Lab and Professors Labrinidis and Chrysanthis from the ADMT Lab.


[News] Professors Panos K. Chrysanthis and Kirk Pruhs visit Capitol Hill

On April 15th Professors Chrysanthis and Pruhs represented a group of researchers in our department who study sustainable computing in the 16th Annual Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition on Capitol Hill. The Exhibition is a showcase for prominent research supported by the National Science Foundation; it is attended regularly by Members of the U.S. Congress and their staff and White House leaders.

[News] Shenoda Guirguis wins Mellon Fellowship for 2010-2011

The Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship provides PhD. students approaching graduation with a year of support -- the winners of this award have shown remarkable ability and promise. We are fortunate to have two students in our department earn the 2010-2011 award: Ahmed Abousamra and our own Shenoda Guirguis. Congratulations to you both!

[News] Congratulations to Shenoda and Lory!

As part of our Department's 10th annual Computer Science Day, our group is honored to have received the following awards:

Shenoda Guirguis -- Research Competition Winner:

"Weaved Sharing of Aggregate Continuous Queries"

[News] ADMT at ICDE'10

Our group is visiting Long Beach, CA this week to attend ICDE'10. Lory will be giving a talk tomorrow at 10:30am PST in the Workflow and Workload Management session for the paper "Admission Control Mechanisms for Continuous Queries in the Cloud," which was written by her, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Christine Chung, Shenoda Guirguis, Alexandros Labrinidis, Panayiotis Neophytou, and Kirk Pruhs.

[News] Prof. Alexandros Labrinidis is in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Professor Labrinidis was quoted prominently in Mike Cronin's article on smartphone use.

[News] Shenoda Guirguis and Lory Al Moakar have been awarded with NSF travel grant for ICDE

Two student members of our group have been awarded each an NSF travel grant to attend ICDE, present their poster and attend the Ph.D. workshop. The award covers all of the expenses. Congratulations to both of them!