cory's blog

[News] Congratulations to Dr. Panos Chrysanthis on winning the Provost's Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Part of the University's mission is training the next generation of professional scholars. Essential to this task are faculty who provide intellectual and personal leadership that helps to support, encourage, and promote the personal and professional development of students. The Provost's Award for Excellence in Mentoring recognizes as many as four University of Pittsburgh faculty members each year who demonstrate outstanding mentoring of graduate students seeking a research doctorate degree. Winners receive a cash prize of $2,500 and are honored publicly. We congratulate Dr. Chrysanthis on attaining this honour.

[News] ExploreDB Workshop Papers

The ADMT lab had two papers presented at the ExploreDB workshop held with SIGMOD 2015 in Melbourne, Australia:

The first was by Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis enttitled Preferential Diversity


[News] CIKM 2015 Paper

Anatoli U. Shein, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis will present their paper entitled F1: Accelerating the optimization of Aggregate Continuous Queries at CIKM 2015 in Melbourne, Australia.

[News] BIRTE Presentation, SoCC Poster, and VLDB Participation

Anatoli Shein presented a poster at the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2015 (SoCC'15) and a paper at the 9th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE'15). Both his poster and paper were entitled Processing of Aggregate Continuous Queries in a Distributed Environment on the Big Island in Hawaii.

[News] ICDE 2015 Demo

Nathan Ong, Stephen Rojcewicz, Dr. Nicholas Farnan, Dr. Adam Lee, Dr. Chrysanthis, Dr. Ting Yu (North Carolina State University) have a demo entitled "Interactive Preference-Aware Query Optimization" in ICDE 2015 in Seoul, South Korea.


[News] SIGMOD Demo Paper

Nick Katsipoulakis, Cory Thoma, Dr. Labrinidis, Dr. Adam Lee, and Dr. Chrysanthis have a demo entitled "Confidential Elastic Processing of Data Streams" in SIGMOD 2015 in Melborne, Australia.
