[News] ExploreDB Workshop Papers

The ADMT lab had two papers presented at the ExploreDB workshop held with SIGMOD 2015 in Melbourne, Australia:

The first was by Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis enttitled Preferential Diversity

The ever increasing supply of data is bringing a renewed attention to query personalization. Query personalization is a technique that utilizes user preferences with the goal of providing relevant results to the users. Along with preferences, diversity is another important aspect of query personalization especially useful during data exploration. The goal of result diversification is to reduce the amount of redundant information included in the results. Most previous approaches of result diversification focus solely on generating the most diverse results, which do not take user preferences into ac- count. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Preferential Diversity (PrefDiv) that aims to support both relevancy and diversity of user query results. PrefDiv utilizes user preference models that return ranked results and reduces the redundancy of results in an efficient and flexible way. PrefDiv maintains the balance between relevancy and diversity of the query results by providing users with the ability to control the trade-off between the two. We describe an implementation of PrefDiv on top of the HYPRE preference model, which allows users to specify both qualitative and quantitative preferences and unifies them using the concept of preference intensities. We experimentally evaluate its performance by comparing with state-of-the-art diversification techniques; our results indicate that PrefDiv achieves significantly better balance between diversity and relevance.

The second was by Roxana Gheorghiu, Alexandros Labrinidis, Panos K. Chrysanthis entitled Unifying Qualitative and Quantitative Database Preferences to Enhance Query Personalization

Query personalization can be an effective technique in dealing with the data scalability challenge, primarily from the human point of view, i.e., making big data easier to use. In order to customize their query results, users need to express their preferences in a simple and user-friendly manner. In this paper, we present a graph-based theoretical framework and a prototype system that unify qualitative and quantitative preferences, while eliminating their disadvantages. Our integrated system allows for (1) the specification of database preferences and the creation of user preference profiles in a user-friendly manner, (2) the manipulation of preferences of individuals or groups of users and (3) total ordering of the tuples in the database, matching both qualitative and quantitative preferences, hence significantly increasing the number of tuples covered by the user preferences. We confirmed the latter experimentally by comparing our preference selection algorithm with Fagin’s TA algorithm.