
[News] HDMM 2017 Paper Accepted

Congratulations to Vineet Raghu and Xiaoyu Ge, for their paper: Integrated Theory- and Data-driven Dimensionality Reduction in High-throughput Gene Expression Data Analysis was recently accepted for oral presentation in the 2nd International Workshop on Health Data Management and Mining (HDMM 2017)

[News] SIGMOD 2017 PC

Dr. Alexandros Labrinidis will serve on the Program Committee of ACM SIGMOD 2017 (to be held May 14-19, 2017).

[News] VLDB 2017 PC

Both Drs Panos K. Chrysanthis and Alexandros Labrinidis will serve on the review board of the PVLDB, Vol. 10, a.k.a. the program committee for VLDB2017.

[News] BIRTE 2016

After the successful BIRTE 2015, Dr. Chrysanthis has been trusted to co-chair this year's 10th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE 2016) at VLDB 2016 in New Delhi, Indian.

[News] EDBT 2016 Paper

The results of our NSF-funded collaboration with Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science colleagues are report in the paper titled PARAGON: Parallel Architecture-Aware Graph Partition Refinement Algorithm authored by Angen Zheng, Alexandros Labrinidis, Patrick H. Pisciuneri, Panos K. Chrysanthis, and Peyman Givi. Published in the 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, March 15-18, 2016.

[News] Thao N. Pham's key result of her PhD thesis was published in VLDB Journal

Avoiding class warfare: managing continuous queries with differentiated classes of service by Thao Pham, Panos K. Chrysanthis, and Alexandros Labrinidis, the VLDB Journal, 2015(on-line) / 2016 (in print)

[News] Dr. Panos Chrysanthis co-chairs BIRTE 2015

Dr. Chrysanthis is a PC chair for the 9th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE'15) at VLDB 2015. Anatoli Shein is the publicity chair and webmaster for the workshop.

[News] Congratulations to Dr. Panos Chrysanthis on winning the Provost's Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Part of the University's mission is training the next generation of professional scholars. Essential to this task are faculty who provide intellectual and personal leadership that helps to support, encourage, and promote the personal and professional development of students. The Provost's Award for Excellence in Mentoring recognizes as many as four University of Pittsburgh faculty members each year who demonstrate outstanding mentoring of graduate students seeking a research doctorate degree. Winners receive a cash prize of $2,500 and are honored publicly. We congratulate Dr. Chrysanthis on attaining this honour.

[News] ExploreDB Workshop Papers

The ADMT lab had two papers presented at the ExploreDB workshop held with SIGMOD 2015 in Melbourne, Australia:

The first was by Xiaoyu Ge, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis enttitled Preferential Diversity


[News] CIKM 2015 Paper

Anatoli U. Shein, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis will present their paper entitled F1: Accelerating the optimization of Aggregate Continuous Queries at CIKM 2015 in Melbourne, Australia.