[News] SIGMOD Demo Paper

Nick Katsipoulakis, Cory Thoma, Dr. Labrinidis, Dr. Adam Lee, and Dr. Chrysanthis have a demo entitled "Confidential Elastic Processing of Data Streams" in SIGMOD 2015 in Melborne, Australia.

Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS) are crucial for modern high-volume/high-velocity data-driven applications, necessitating a distributed approach to processing hem. In addition, data providers often require certain levels of confidentiality for their data, especially in cases of user-generated data, such as those coming out of physical activity/health tracking devices (i.e., our motivating application). This demonstration will showcase Synefo, an infrastructure that enables elastic scaling of DSMS operators, and CryptStream, a framework that provides confidentiality and access controls for data streams while allowing computation on untrusted servers. We will demonstrate both systems working in tandem and also visualize their behavior over time under different scenarios.