DB Talk

[Talks][DB Talk]Shenoda Guirguis: Improving Transaction-Time DBMS Performance and Functionality

Paper: Improving Transaction-Time DBMS Performance and Functionality,
By David Lomet and Feifei Li.

AFS folder: \\afs\cs.pitt.edu\projects\admt\library\conf\icde\Transactions.pdf

[Talks][DB Talk] Mohamed Sharaf: Talk on I/O scheduling for Web Transactions

Discussion is in the context of the latest SIGMOD '09 paper that has been accepted to be published.

[Talks][DB Talk] Thao Pham: Load balancing in distributed DSMS (VLDB '07)

Discussion also includes a paper under review from VLDB '09.

[Talks][DB Talk] Panickos Neophytou: Talk on a Data Stream processing paper

Discussion includes a under review paper from VLDB '09.

[Talks][DB Talk] Roxana Gheorgiou: Paper on load shedding

The discussion includes a paper under review from VLDB '09.

[Talks][DB Talk] Shenoda Guirguis: Adaptive Scheduling of Web Transactions

Abstract: In highly interactive dynamic web database systems, user satisfaction determines their success. In such systems, user requested web pages are dynamically created by executing a number of database queries or web transactions. In this paper, we model the interrelated transactions generating a web page as workflows and quantify the user satisfaction by associating dynamic web pages with soft-deadlines. Further, we model the importance of transactions in generating a page by associating different weights to transactions.

[Talks][DB Talk] Shenoda Guirguis: Adaptive Scheduling of Web Transactions

Abstract: In highly interactive dynamic web database systems, user satisfaction determines their success. In such systems, user requested web pages are dynamically created by executing a number of database queries or web transactions. In this paper, we model the interrelated transactions generating a web page as workflows and quantify the user satisfaction by associating dynamic web pages with soft-deadlines. Further, we model the importance of transactions in generating a page by associating different weights to transactions.