DB Talk

[Talks][DB Talk] Roxana Gheorghiu : Survery of Annotation Systems

This is a survey of existing database annotation systems, which identifies properties of annotation systems and compares existing systems with respect to these properties. Open problems and challenges that existing systems do not address are also exposed.

[Talks][DB Talk] Panickos Neophytou: Kepler Workflow Engine

In the first dbtalk of our 2010-11 academic year, Panickos will be presenting the Kepler Workflow Engine -- software for the management of scientific workflows. More information can be found at the project's website:


[Talks][DB Talk] Panickos Neophytou: Power Aware Operator Placement and Broadcasting of Continuous Query Results

Panickos will be giving a practice talk for his upcoming paper presentation at MobiDE'10.

[Talks][DB Talk] Roxana Gheorghiu : Supporting annotations on relations

Roxana presented another paper from the annotations field:

Supporting annotations on relations

Mohamed Y. Eltabakh, Walid G. Aref, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Mourad Ouzzani, Yasin N. Silva

Published in proceedings of EDBT'09

[Talks][DB Talk] Roxana Gheorghiu -- Annotations

Roxana will be presenting recent results in the annotations field:

Floris Geerts, Anastasios Kementsietsidis, Diego Milano. "MONDRIAN: Annotating and querying databases through colors and blocks". ICDE'06


Annotations play a central role in the curation of scientific databases. Despite their importance, data formats and schemas are not designed to manage the increasing variety of annotations. Moreover, DBMS’s often lack support for storing and querying annotations. Furthermore, annotations and data

[Talks][DB Talk] Panickos Neophytou: Power Aware Continuous Query Results Broadcasting and Operator Placement

For this week's DB Talk, Panickos will be presenting his work entitled "Power Aware Continuous Query Results Broadcasting and Operator Placement".

[Talks][DB Talk] Lory Al Moakar: Admission Control Mechanisms for Continuous Queries in the Cloud

Lory will be giving her practice talk in preparation for her presentation at ICDE'10.

[Talks][DB Talk] Shenoda Guirguis: Processing Aggregate Continuous Queries

Shenoda presented some of his recent work on aggregate continuous queries, which he hopes will become a conference paper submission and part of his dissertation proposal.

[Talks][DB Talk] Alex Connor: Route Planning with GPS-Enabled Mobile Devices

Alex Connor presented a work in progress that explores the possible benefits of combining GPS and wireless technologies for route planning.

[Talks][DB Talk] Dr. Mohamed Sharaf: ADC10 - Practice talk

In this session we are going to discuss Dr. Mohamed's paper and presentation to ADC10.