[Talks][DB Seminar] Prof. David Maier: Next-Generation Data Stream Services

Prof. David Maier
Portland State University

Friday November 21, 2008
10:30am (Refreshments/meet the speaker at 10:00am), 5317 Sennott Square

Our group welcomes Professor David Maier of Portland State University as one of our Department's five distinguished lecturers this semester. He will visit us on Friday, November 21st to present his talk, Next-Generation Data Stream Services. The talk is preceded by refreshments at 10am and begins at 10:30 am in Sennott Square 5317, and is hosted by our own Professor Panos Chrysanthis.

Next-Generation Data Stream Services

Abstract: Data-stream systems now exist as advanced research prototypes and initial commercial offerings. However, these systems have limitations that restrict their performance and range of application, particularly as regards to dependence on physical stream properties. We believe out-of-order processing (OOP) techniques will be essential to support capabilities in the next generation of commercial data-stream management systems, such as distributed execution, data prioritization, traffic shaping, and interaction with transactional data sources. I will introduce our work on OOP architectures and order-agnostic operator implementations, including evaluations in both the NiagaST system at PSU and Gigascope at AT&T labs. In addition to expected benefits, such as reduced memory requirements and latency, we have seen improvements in bandwidth resulting from more flexibility in traffic shaping with the OOP approach. I will also discuss adaptive operators that can cope with dynamically changing data skew often seen in network applications. I will conclude by considering the connection of OOP capabilities with other next-generation stream-processing requirements.

Bio: Dr. David Maier is Maseeh Professor of Emerging Technologies at Portland State University. Prior to his current position, he was on the faculty at SUNY Stony Brook and Oregon Graduate Institute. He has spent extended visits with INRIA, University of Wisconsin – Madison and Microsoft Research. He is the author of books relational databases, logic programming and object-oriented databases, as well as papers in database theory, object-oriented technology, scientific databases and dataspace management. He received the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation in 1984 and was awarded the 1997 SIGMOD Innovations Award for his contributions in objects and databases. He is also an ACM Fellow and IEEE Senior Member. He holds a dual B.A. in Mathematics and in Computer Science from the University of Oregon (Honors College, 1974) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University (1978).