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RETSINA: Reproducibility and Experimentation Testbed for Signal-Strength Indoor Near Analysis

DocUID: 2023-003

Author: Anna Baskin, Brian T. Nixon, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Christos Laoudias, Constantinos Costa

Abstract: Reproducibility is a core component of any scientific discovery. A step towards reproducibility within the IPIN community is the contribution of this paper, our software-based testbed, called RETSINA (Reproducibility and Experimentation Testbed for Signal-strength Indoor Near Analysis). RETSINA enables the repeatability, reproducibility and comparison of approaches that use machine learning to detect proximity. We demonstrate RETSINA's functionality by repeating and extending the findings of a recent case study on Wi-Fi signal strength based contact tracing accuracy. Furthermore, we leverage RETSINA to experimentally compare the results for detecting close encounters produced by the original Wi-Fi signal strength readings study and our study using Bluetooth signal strength readings.

Keywords: Reproducibility, Repeatability, Contact Tracing, Proximity Detection, Indoor Localization, Machine Learning

Published In: 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)

ISBN: 979-8-3503-2011-4

Pages: 1-6

Place Published: Nuremberg, Germany

Year Published: 2023

DOI: 10.1109/IPIN57070.2023.10332500

Project: RETSINA Subject Area: Reproducibility, Machine Learning, IoT

Publication Type: Conference Paper

Sponsor: NIH R01HL159805, NSF SES-2017614, KIOS CoE 739551

Citation:Text Latex BibTex XML Anna Baskin, Brian T. Nixon, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Christos Laoudias, and Constantinos Costa. RETSINA: Reproducibility and Experimentation Testbed for Signal-Strength Indoor Near Analysis. 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 1-6. 2023. Nuremberg, Germany. DOI: 10.1109/IPIN57070.2023.10332500.