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A Performance Evaluation of Online Warehouse Update Algorithms

DocUID: 1998-001 Full Text: PDF

Author: Alexandros Labrinidis, Nick Roussopoulos

Abstract: Data warehouse maintenance algorithms usually work off-line, making the warehouse unavailable to users. However, since most organizations require continuous operation, we need be able to perform the updates online, concurrently with user queries. To guarantee that user queries access a consistent view of the warehouse, online update algorithms introduce redundancy in order to store multiple versions of the data objects that are being changed. In this paper, we present an online warehouse update algorithm, that stores multiple versions of data as separate rows (vertical redundancy). We compare our algorithm to another online algorithm that stores multiple versions within each tuple by extending the table schema (horizontal redundancy). We have implemented both algorithms on top of an Informix Dynamic Server and measured their performance under varying workloads, focusing on their impact on query response times. Our experiments show that, except for a limited number of cases, vertical redundancy is a better choice, with respect to storage, implementation overhead, and query performance.

Published In: Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, Technical Report CS-TR-3954

Pages: pp. 1-26

Year Published: 1998

Project: Others Subject Area: Data Warehousing

Publication Type: Technical Report

Sponsor: Others

Citation:Text Latex BibTex XML Alexandros Labrinidis, and Nick Roussopoulos. A Performance Evaluation of Online Warehouse Update Algorithms, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, Technical Report CS-TR-3954, pp. 1-26, November 1998.