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AstroShelf: Understanding the Universe Through Scalable Navigation of a Galaxy of Annotations

DocUID: 2012-003 Full Text: PDF

Author: Panayiotis Neophytou, Roxana Gheorghiu, Rebecca Hachey, Timothy Luciani, Di Bao, Alexandros Labrinidis, G. Elisabeta Marai, Panos K. Chrysanthis

Abstract: This demo presents AstroShelf, our on-going effort to enable astrophysicists to collaboratively investigate celestial objects using data originating from multiple sky surveys, hosted at different sites. The AstroShelf platform combines database and data stream, workflow and visualization technologies to provide a means for querying and displaying telescope images (in a Google Sky manner), visualizations of spectrum data, and for managing annotations. In addition to the user interface, AstroShelf supports a programmatic interface (available as a web service), which allows astrophysicists to incorporate functionality from AstroShelf in their own programs. A key feature is Live Annotations which is the detection and delivery of events or annotations to users in real-time, based on their profiles. We demonstrate the capabilities of AstroShelf through real end-user exploration scenarios (with participation from "stargazers" in the audience), in the presence of simulated annotation workloads executed through web services.

Keywords: Big Data, Scientific Databases, Continuous Workflows, Annotations, Visualization, Astronomy

Published In: Proc. of the 31st ACM International Conference on Management of Data

Pages: pp. 1-4

Place Published: Scottsdale, Arizona

Year Published: 2012

Project: AstroSelf,   CONFLuEnCE Subject Area: Data Integration, Annotation Management, Workflow Management, Data Streams

Publication Type: Demonstration

Sponsor: NSF OIA-1028162, NSF CAREER IIS-0746696

Citation:Text Latex BibTex XML Panayiotis Neophytou, Roxana Gheorghiu, Rebecca Hachey, Timothy Luciani, Di Bao, Alexandros Labrinidis, G. Elisabeta Marai, and Panos K. Chrysanthis. AstroShelf: Understanding the Universe Through Scalable Navigation of a Galaxy of Annotations. Proc. of the 31st ACM International Conference on Management of Data. pp. 1-4. 2012. Scottsdale, Arizona.