
Academic Honesty
Unless explicitely noted otherwise, the work in this course is to be done independently. Discussions with other students on the assignments should be limited to understanding the statement of the problems (except when assignments are to be done in groups, in which case it is expected of members of the same group to work together). Cheating in any way, including giving your work to someone else will result in an F for the course and a report to the appropriate University authority. Submissions that are alike in a substantive way will be considered to be cheating by ALL involved parties. Please protect yourselves by only storing your files in private directories, and by retrieving all printouts promptly.

Also, please make sure you read, understand and abide by the Academic Integrity Code for the School of Arts and Sciences.

Assignments and Quizzes: 50% There will be 4-6 assignments/projects, most of which will have a significant programming portion.
Exam #1: 25% Tuesday, February 21st, 2:30pm -- 3:45pm (SENSQ 5313)
Exam #2: 25% Tuesday, April 18th, 2:30pm -- 3:45pm (SENSQ 5313)
The second exam will cover the material that was not covered in the first exam. There will not be a final exam. There will be no classes during finals week.

All assignments must be submitted electronically. Instructions will be given together with each assignment.

Late Submissions
A late assignment will receive a deduction of 5 points if it is up to one day past the deadline and 15 points if it is up to two days past the deadline. An assignment which is more than 2 days late will be accepted only under special circumstances with the instructor determining the penalty in a fair manner.

Make-up Policy
Students are expected to be present for all exams and quizzes. Make-up exams will only be given in the event of an emergency, and only if the instructor is informed in advance. Failure to notify the instructor prior to missing an exam will result in a zero for the exam.

Grade Appeals
Grades can be appealed up to two weeks after they have been posted; no appeals will be considered after that time.