Frequently Asked Questions

(Note: please visit this page frequently as it will be updated constantly during the term)

I have a question. What is the best way to get an answer?

  1. Attend class regularly.

  2. Check the class web page at least twice a week.

  3. Meet with the instructor or the TAs during office hours.

  4. Email the instructor and the TA: Please be sure to include the keyword cs1555 in the subject line of your message.

What is permissible collaboration?

Please see some examples of permissible and prohibited collaborations: Collaboration vs. Cheating

I ran out of Disk Quota. What should I do?

Student accounts are initially allocated 5M of AFS disk quota on CIS machines. This is very limited especially if you are using Netscape which uses 4M for its cache. So, in order to be able to work on your SQL assignments and projects, you must request from the Help Desk of CSSD to increase your disk quota ASAP.