PHP Setup

You need to do the following steps:
  1. Login to with your regular unix account.
  2. Go to your public directory.
  3. Create a csweb directory.
  4. Go into that csweb directory
  5. Set the permissions (ACLs) on that directory

Here are these steps in an easy to copy and paste format (replace user with your user name):

or connect to unixs in some other way
Enter your password
cd public
mkdir csweb
cd csweb
fs setacl -dir . -acl system:anyuser none
fs setacl -dir . -acl labrinid rl
fs setacl -dir . -acl faz23 rl
fs setacl -dir . -acl csweb rliwdk
Now the top level directory is set up.

Next, you'll want to create a directory for your PHP scripts and go into it:

mkdir php
cd php
Next, copy one of the php handouts into this directory (or write a hello world program yourself).

Now, open up your favorite web browser, and go to the following web page:<your user name>/php/handoutname.php

Note that you don't need (and it won't work if you do it) the public/csweb portion of the path to the file. The webserver knows to look in public/csweb once it has your username.

If you want to see what's going on as you do these steps, you can execute ls -l and fs listacl. You can also type fs help, fs help listacl, and fs help setacl. Finally, man ls, man mkdir, man cd, and man man may be helpful. man is the unix command line help facility.

[Note: Instructions adapted from those by John Ramirez.]