cs1520: lab 3 ============= 1. multi-dimensional arrays --------------------------- Initialize a 2-dimensional array with the following values: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Write a perl program to iterate over the array. Find the minimum of the maximum of each row. 2. Super Bowl ------------- superbowl.html contains information about past super bowl games. write a perl program to process the file, and extract the data into a 2D array. Finally, iterate over the 2D-array and print out the values. 3. Google Charts ---------------- Using your code from part 2, calculate the the number of superbowl appearances for each team. Then, use the Google Charts Api to create a pie chart showing the teams with 6 or more Super Bowl appearances. The following code shows an example of how to create a url for a pie chart. You will modify the $data and $labels variables: use LWP::Simple; # build the url for a pie chart with 4 data sets: $addr = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?"; $size = "&chs=200x100"; $type = "&cht=p"; $colors = "&chco=FFB61D|76A4FB|80C65A|FF5E3E"; $data = "&chd=t:1,2,3,4"; $labels = "&chl=one|two|three|for"; $url = $addr.$size.$type.$colors.$data.$labels; $content = get($url); die("could not get webpage!") unless defined $content; # write the content to the file: open(OUT, ">image.png"); binmode(OUT); print OUT $content; close(OUT);